Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Becoming Blameless Moving Foward!

Many of you have been here for YEARS, and I am so grateful for each and every single one of you. We have had some great Bible studies together, some learning together, it's just been FUN hasn't it? Well now, I am embarking on some changes. Some changes to this channel and my Youtube channel. The changes are....

Watch the video then come back here to tell me what you think. I really think it is going to be a GREAT change!

 I can't wait to do real life with you guys! If we have struggles, lets struggle together. If we have victories, let's celebrate together! If we have wisdom, let's share it for others. If we need help, let's reach out and ask for it! After all do we not realize that EVERYONE IS JUST TRYING TO DO THE BEST THEY KNOW HOW!? That is all we should expect from ourselves and others! EXCEPT, we know that we have strength in Christ that we do not have any other way! It is a journey my friends, will you embark on it with me????

P.S. I am going to be doing some "catch up" posts over the next week for you guys to get caught up on where I am in life. Stay tuned! :) 

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Hey There- It's Been A While!

Well hey there dear! How you been? Hasn't our world been just crazy here lately!? So much has happened since I last posted but I have tr...