Saturday, May 30, 2020


Have you ever sit and thought about the last moments of your life? I do quite often. No I am not morbid or unstable, I keep those moments in the forefront of my mind occasionally because it helps me remember my priorities in life. If you want to know what your priorities are, thinking about those last moments can help you figure that out real quick.
If it were my last moments alive I would want my kids and family beside me. I would want to kiss them and tell them how much I love them. I would remind them of how we will all be together again one day soon in heaven. We may even sit and recall some happy memories we had together. And just like that, I know my life priorities.

It is to tell my kids and family how much I love them every chance I can. It is to teach my kids and those I love of Gods love for them. It is to make memories together, vacations, fun evenings or just simple walks with talking...memories. We are living to make memories. 

I have been really burdened here lately with the fact that each day we are alive, is one less we have to live. Can we stop time? Can we just find the perfect moment and click pause? No. And the mind must discard things that doesn't serve to keep us alive so we forget sooooo much stuff. We forget memories.

 If each day is truly a gift...and it is make no mistake, each day your alive is a gift. Tonight you get to kiss those babies good night. Tonight you get to tell mom and dad how much you love them. Tonight you get to tell friends goodnight. Tonight you got to see or taste dinner or xyz...but one will not get to end your day that way. One day...the day will just end.

So I have determined, I want to remember. I want to appreciate the little cuddles. I want to hold their hands and write it down to remember what it felt like. I want to recall as much about my day on paper as I can recall to record, for no one else except myself.

 So I have started. Journaling my days gifts. Today is was the hand of a little boy in mine. It was a Bible topic discussion with my parents. It was my middle son begging to talk a walk. It was the hug of my teenage son before bed. No huge title, no bonus check, no new large purchases, no it was even bigger than was time spent with my family on a day that I will never get to live over again. Today was a day I don't want to forget. Today was a day with memories.

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