I used to have wierd dreams. Tornados, snake bites, wolves chasing me, just flat out WIERD DREAMS! I would get up google what dreams meant and yeah, whatever. I come to the conclusion that sometimes there is no meaning to them, it is just flat out craziness. However there are some people who say that our spiritual minds are available to hear more during the night because our physical bodies are quiet. No outward information competing for that attention. Regardless of what you think dreams are or are not, I think that all things can be used for good.
Here lately I have been reading my Bible and/or my spiritual growth book of choice for the week. I went through a point where I felt just dead, simply exsisting, for a lack of better terms. Who wants a life where you just exist? Not me. It's not that my life isn't good becuase it sooooo is. I am blessed way beyond what I deserve, this I know for a fact. You hear people say (and I have no idea who the "people" are because I am beginning to think they do not exist- or if they do they are half crazy themselves) that if you have a good job, a good marriage, a good home, little to no debt, people in your life to share it with etc. then you will have a happy life. Well, they lied. I have it all in those respects but I still wasn't happy.
I sit out to "find" happiness. I read a book, I read some more books and then I read THE BOOK. You know the Bible. Go read the book of Ecclesiastes. The author of the book (most say King Solomon but others question if he was indeed the author, so we will just say "the author") had it all. He didn't deprive himself of anything he wanted and in the end what did it get him? Nothing. He still wasn't happy. So if that is true, why am I trying to do the same things that in the end prove to be worthless.
Psalms 4:7- "You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased." God himself puts gladness in our hearts, MORE than that a farmer feels after all his hard work planting,sewing and harvesting. So in essesnce MORE than the money you can make. And isn't that all that we are chasing with all our hard work, selling etc.- happiness?
Spoiler alert, it doesn't work- the only happiness that lasts is what God puts in our hearts. That happiness isn't from being "good enough", it isn't from "attending every church service", it isn't from "becoming a monk", it isn't from any formula you think up, it comes from a direct relationship with God himself. And once I got back to reading my Bible, praying and seeking after Him, I was happy again. Nothing changed outwardly in my life, but my spiritual self was back to growing again.
If you are saved, or even if you are not for that matter, you were created with a spiritual "vacuum" of sorts. YOU WANT something to be there. Whether you will admit it or not, you are looking for something to serve. It could be money, a cause, your family, etc. etc. etc. but you want SOMETHING. God is the only thing that can fill that hole! If you ARE saved, hear me carefully, if you are saved and you have stopped reading your Bible, stopped praying, stopped persuing that relationship with God, YOU ARE GOING TO BE MISERABLE, until you go back to Him. You now have two parts, remember? The old sinful man and the new spiritual man, in one body. If you let your right leg and right arm rot off, you would be sick, your body would suffer. Same is true of us now with our spiritual man. If you do not feed it, if you ignore it, you will feel like a part of you is dead. Stuck.
Back to my dream.
So before bed last night, I prayed. I confessed all the sins I could think of to Him then I asked how I could be obedient each day, how I could please him. Then came my dream.
People that have been in my life over the last, well since I have been alive, have been in my dreams at night. They were going through things or having troubles. No I do not think that I am seeing their lives or seeing their future, absolutely not! But I do think that God put them on my mind for a reason. I am going to start praying for those individuals. You see the Bible tells us, " For God is not the author of confusion but of peace," (1 Corinthians 14:33). I am not going to get hung up on trying to figure anything else out. God doesn't need me to do His job for Him. I don't think that is the point. I do think that God can use anything that happens in our dreams at night to draw us closer to Him.
Maybe your dreams are different than mine. Maybe yours are more like nightmares. If so, still let those dreams pull you closer to God. Ask Him to take them away from your playback. Ask Him if there is something that you need to confess to Him as a sin in the situation. Ask Him if there is something you need to pray about. More than anything in this world God wants an intimate realtionship with you. He wants to be your best friend. He WANTS you to take every single thing to Him, to ask for help, to ask for guidance, to tell him thank you. And He wants nothing but the best for you.
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