Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time for Some Good News??!!

It drives me nuts! You turn on the local news channel and what do you hear? Bad news after bad news after bad news. Oh wait, there was one happy story, I remember there being one, but when was it?? And everyday we hear by word of mouth more bad news. Anyway, I REFUSE to make my mind susceptible to the gloom and doom! If you are in search of some good Christian reading that will encourage you, you are not alone! I am too. Here is some of my findings this week!
 This week I went to do my grocery shopping and I noticed a new "free paper" box outside of my local grocery store! Since I am all about free, I went over to take a look. What do I find? A FREE CHRISTIAN newspaper!! Bonus!! Free and Christian, its for me! After, all the best gift ever given to us was offered free for the taking- Jesus! (You have no idea how many smiley faces and winks I have wanted to put in this post already!) What was the paper you ask? "The Journey Christian Newspaper" .

If you want to see if there is a pick up rack near you, you can click on "Rack Locations" on their homepage. There is also an option to look at the paper online here so even if you can't pick one up locally, you can still read the good articles inside! This month there is a great article on "Why Does Marriage Matter" and "Relationship Basics: As Simple as P.I.G."

I was reading all the articles in the newspaper and I come across an article with a name I knew! "Book Proceeds Support Church Planters" was the title of the article. Aaron Wilson had wrote a book! I knew him!! Aaron is the manager of my local Lifeway Christian Store in Gastonia, NC. I work year round (as a full time volunteer) with a ministry called Operation Christmas Child. Aaron and the Lifeway store in Gastonia,NC are a public shoe box drop off location and I get to talk with him at various times during the year. I was excited to hear of his new book- and especially what he was doing with the royalties!! Initially, 100% of the royalties go to church-planting efforts in the Charlotte, NC area! Yayyy! Two good reads and you can even be a part of planting a church when you purchase one of them! Aaron's book is called "God is NOT a God of Second Chances" You can go here to purchase a copy!

I have not personally read Aaron's book yet but you can guarantee I will be picking up a copy real soon! Stay tuned for my thoughts on it later! There is a video about the book at his website listed above.

So there you have it- two wonderful, encouraging reads! Don't put "junk" in your mind and "junk" won't come out! With these two, no junk will be going in so you will not be getting junk out!

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8
Are these encouraging to you? If so, let me know what you think below! I share because I care!

**FTC requires me to inform you when I am given books/products in exchange for my review. So for clarification I have NOT received a free book nor was I hired for this post."The Journey Christian Newspaper" is available to the general public for free at various locations and online. All comments posted here of of my own personal desire and opinion.**

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