A friend of mine on social media, Sharra, told me of a new prayer ministry her sister-in-law, Anita, started called "Isaiah 55 Pray-ers" and told me to take a look. I jumped over and started researching it. I started crying! THIS is what I have been searching for! I started watching the videos to learn how it worked and a lady is on video praying for her son using Scripture- An Example of Scripture Praying. Now I have been to places and seen people who were praying just to put on an act. I do not want any part of that. But this was different! She was simply praying for her son what God says in His Word we are to strive to do. God's Word is telling her son to live that way and she is praying for God to help him live that way! I seriously cried! To hear God's word prayed over your children and to know that others are praying that over them too, WOW! That just gives you wind in your sails of life.
In the past, I have printed out documents on praying for my kids. They have a calendar for the month and you pray one thing each day but this is taking that a step further. Not only are YOU as a mom praying for your kids, but you are a part of a group of several other women who commit to praying for your kids too. I said group. Did you gasp? No seriously, this is different!
The program is set up where one leader facilitates a group. Each mom of the group gets a welcome letter explaining the process, along with a sample prayer list and a scripture prayer guide. If a person wants to join the group they have to either have a private email account (where others can not see the prayer requests- confidentiality) OR they have to be able to communicate confidentially either in person or via mail.
The next step is to decide what day of the week you are going to commit to praying for the other children and moms in your group. Then you pick a scripture that you want prayed over your children and turn that into the group leader. If you want to share details of the prayer requests for your children you can but it is not required. You could simply say, pray Joshua 1:7 over my son and leave it at that. This is Joshua 1:7 in the actual text:
"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.But here is how this Scripture might be prayed over your child. I will use my oldest son Justin's name here for example.
Dear God, please help Justin be strong and very courageous. Help Him to be careful to obey all the law that God's servant Moses gave; keep Justin from turning from it to the right or to the left so that Justin may be successful wherever He goes.Does that not just put chills on you!? That is a prayer with authority!! Why? Because it has the living Word of God all around my son's name.
Like I said, it is SO easy! Everything is free & downloadable from their website. There is even video and audio training if you feel lead to oversee a group. Then they offer newsletters with new scripture prayers and worship links. I love it! Stay home and PRAY. And for the times you can not be at home and are in a doctors office or friends house, why, just pray where you are.
Since we just discussed whether family devotions are really important, yesterday,I thought it was a God thing that this particular topic of prayer came to my attention today! Do I really even have to ask you if prayer is important? I hope not! ;)
For more information about Isaiah 55 Pray-ers click the picture below:
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