Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Lie of More

For several years now, starting in October 2018 to be exact, I started on a journey. I accidently came across a documentary "The Minimalists" and was quickly fascinated. I loved how simple their lives were and to be honest, I had some of their same "issues" as to why minimialism was so appealing. You see I started working at the age of 15. Job on top of job with sometimes as many as three jobs at one time, trying to have it all. And I discovered something along the way. The lie of more.
If you have a newer car..... you'll be happier. 
If you have the newest phone....you'll be happier.
If you have a bigger house....you'll be happier.
If you have stylish clothes...you'll be happier.
If you have a lot of followers....you'll be happier.
If you have the newest kitchen appliances....you'll be happier.
And all of it is LIES!!

You work your rear end off, buy the thing, accomplish the task and after a few days, you are back to chasing after something else that promises your happiness. Each and every single time, you are let down, lied too. But I have discovered the secret to happiness and it does not require you to work yourself to death to get there.

Here is the secret, less is more! 

I know it sounds crazy but humor me for a minute. Every single thing that you buy, you own, requires more money to keep it up. For an easy example take a car. You have to put gas in it...more money used. You have to change the oil...more money used. You have to put new tires on it...more money used. You have to wash and vacuum the car...more money used. See.

 Now let's think of something I bet you haven't thought of before: that cabinet of kitchen dishes that has way more sets than you use in it.

You dirty a plate and throw it in the sink to be washed. Next time you need a plate you don't feel like washing the dirty one, so you grab another from the cabinet. Before you know it you have a sink full of dirty dishes and you use a lot of time and either the dishwasher and detergent to wash them or you hand wash them. Either way, it takes more time and money to maintain those dishes.

Every single thing you own has this same principle. And if you have enough stuff, the clutter of it all affects not only your physical space but your mental and emotional as well. Don't believe me? Research how mental illnesses can be caused by clutter and disorganization! 

Okay so where am I going with all of this? I do so well at times and at other times I start to allow things to come back into my house. Not that things coming into my house is a problem, but I haven't got rid of other things in my house when something new comes in and now, I am back where I want to minimalize again. So I thought I would share this info with you guys and see if you want to join along with me. Each week I am going to show you pictures of what I did that week and how much stuff I got rid of. I don't have a crazy number of things that I am going to live on like some extreme minimalists only own what they can fit in a backpack. No! I am a mom to 3 boys and I know that is not possible for our lifestyle. I absolutely can not wait for my home to be clutter free again! So here goes!

Do you need to declutter too? Make sure that you have liked the facebook page to see updates and post pictures if you join in!!

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