Saturday, July 1, 2017

#13- Fervent Online Bible Study- July 1st

Your Past...... hummmm..... is there some things back there that you wish were not back there? Yeah, me too. I used to allow those things to make me feel ashamed, useless, condemned and more. I used to hide from "those people" who never thought they did any wrong, why? Because I felt so dirty. Perhaps you have been there too, or maybe you are there now, but I have good news for you. God doesn't want for you to feel that way anymore. Keep reading to see why.

The last couple of days the chapter we read was "Strategy 5: Your Past". In this video I recap some of the good stuff from the chapter and well I'll just say it, I confess some of my past screw ups. Why? Because I am human too. ALL PEOPLE on the face of the planet screw up! The enemy tries saying that what you done is TOO bad but you know what? THAT IS A BOLD FACE LIE! I'm going to give it all away.... just watch for yourself.

Tomorrow, Sunday July 2nd, you have the day off. Make sure to come back and read Strategy 6: Your Fears, July 3-5th. If you live in America, yes I know that is the 4th of July but what better way to celebrate than to also celebrate the freedom that come to our souls for what Jesus did upon the cross for us. You can do it! ;)

If you are just joining us or have missed some videos, here are some quick links to the past videos and Printable Scripture Cards.

Since those links above you can find links for the following videos below by clicking on the title.
#11- Fervent Online Bible Study- June 24 (Scripture Card Pack 6 here as well)

Scripture Card Printable Pack 7 can be found here.
And Scripture Card Printable Pack 8 can be found here.

Again, Happy 4th of July if you are here in America and if your not in America, have a GREAT weekend! I truly love you all!

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Hey There- It's Been A While!

Well hey there dear! How you been? Hasn't our world been just crazy here lately!? So much has happened since I last posted but I have tr...